Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for October, 2010

#2: Grandpa Loved Grandma

#2: Grandpa Loved Grandma

Even in his later years, he always chose to stand close to her.  Grandpa’s love and fidelity for Grandma was evident every time he…

#1: My Grandpa Loved God

#1: My Grandpa Loved God

Everyone remember those little “Daily Bread” devotionals?  Maybe they’re not as widespread as I thought in my head, but it was always on my…

Scooter Turns Two!

Scooter Turns Two!

Yesterday, Athanasius and I returned from spending a short time with family in the States (which I will write about later).  We returned yesterday…