Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for November, 2013

Tea Time

Tea Time

Evangeline loves making tea for herself, friends, and guests. First, she locates some matches: Next, she lights one (pretty risky): Then she turns on…

The Messy Task

The Messy Task

Down the street from our house is a wadi which forms when the rains fall here.  Usually we have a short rainy season from…

Baboons In Chad

Baboons In Chad

I remember the first time I encountered a baboon. Sonja and I were on a short visit to Kenya (the country of our engagement)…

Threads of A Tapestry

Our lives are often referred to as pictures, poems, or tapestries, due to the fact that each of these items, just like our lives,…

Heavy Labor

With all the work needing to be done around the house, I figured I’d bring the BIG boys with: acquire Zoloft online Generic prednisone…

The Blemishes

We’re really excited about our family’s new home in Iriba.  It doesn’t come without it’s blemishes.  The tile job was done very poorly, so…

Industrial Arts Project

Did any of you take industrial arts in junior high or high school? If so, what was your project? Did you make a birdhouse,…

Village Life

During one of our trips back from Iriba, we decided to pull over and stay in a village of someone my friend knew.  It…