Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Blemishes

We’re really excited about our family’s new home in Iriba.  It doesn’t come without it’s blemishes.  The tile job was done very poorly, so that there is lots of dried cement all over the tiles and many tiles are not well fastened and have cracked.  Here’s a picture from one of the rooms:

Near the front door, the tile work is not finished because the builder didn’t measure and level the cement, leading to a sloping floor which if finished would not permit the door to actually open inwards.  Oops:
Apparently, the owner of the home was so angry when he first came to see the progress of the home (he lives in the capital city) that he chased the builder out and told him to never come back.  This, of course, compounded the problem, because the home still had unfinished parts.  For example, there are a couple of rooms in the home where the cement has not been poured, which has led to a large population of our favorite rodent entering the house freely:

Also, there are bathrooms, but the fixtures are not connected and we’re not even completely sure if the PVC pipes are leading to an actual completed cesspit or…possibly nowhere:

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So, while it’s certain that the home has its blemishes, a number of things to be worked on, we are hopeful that it has a lot of promise and with some nurturing will come along nicely!

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