Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for July, 2014

Just A Swingin’

Just A Swingin’

There are many things we get to see and do when we go on holiday that for all intents and purposes are nonexistent the…

Arrived In Sweden

Arrived In Sweden

After our airport nightmare in N’Djamena, we wondered when we might actually start our holiday in Sweden and how we’d get there (we’d already…

Airport Nightmare

Airport Nightmare

Did you ever watch one of those old animal horror flicks when you were younger? You know, the one where the giant spiders or…

Ready For Algebra

Ready For Algebra

With a little time on our hands before we head out for our family holiday and some meetings, Perpetua seems to be indicating that…

Late Night Wheels

Late Night Wheels

Strange things happen in Chad during Ramadan because people’s schedules are essentially turned upside down.  In order to find some sort of equilibrium in…

Amiina Jerusha Hutts

Amiina Jerusha Hutts

There was one BIG reason we came to the capital a bit early before a family holiday and some company meetings and that was…

Hadassah Reads

Hadassah Reads

Sonja has put together a pretty ambitious program for the kids’ literacy. Her main goal for the first two years of their lives is…

Feeling Patriotic

Feeling Patriotic

We happened to be in N’djamena over the 4th of July. While I’m not a lover of big crowds by any means, the simple…

Field Day 2014

Field Day 2014

Sonja is an “ideas” person, while I’m a “refiner”.  This often leads to her sharing LOTS of different plans that she would like to…

Athanasius The Superhero

Athanasius The Superhero

This post may need a little introduction so you can appreciate the full scope of the video that follows. Any comic book fans out…