Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Baboons In Chad

I remember the first time I encountered a baboon. Sonja and I were on a short visit to Kenya (the country of our engagement) and were going out with a couple friends on a safari. The guide warned us to keep our windows near-closed because of all the baboons in the park. Not fully understanding his advice and being a poor follower of directions, I learned the reason why just twenty minutes later when a baboon jumped in my window, grabbed my sandwich from the dashboard, and exited in less than a second. Also, my heart

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jumped to the moon and back during that short second.

Imagine my delight while driving to Iriba the other week, when I spotted what appeared to be an animal similar order Prozac to a dog, but with an obviously contrasting gait and build, crossing the road far in front of us. I wondered if it might be a baboon. Then two smaller ones crossed and there was no doubt. I quickly grabbed my camera and Abdulai pointed out that one was crossing the road behind us. See if you can spot it:

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I traced the path of the baboon backwards and noticed a troop of about 20 baboons exiting a tree at a good distance off. They took off in the other direction. I cheap Zoloft hope our kids get to see some of these wonderful animals when we drive up to Iriba together.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Unknown says:

    I also experienced monkeys or baboons of some sort in Africa, but in Morocco. We didn’t have the protection of a car and my friend was too slow at getting her bag of snacks open to share with the animal so it just snatched it out of her hand, unfortunately scratching her in the process. I saw huge storks nests in that trip too! I enjoy God’s creation it’s such a testimony to his creativity and goodness. – Veronica

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