Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Village Life

During one of our trips back from Iriba, we decided to pull over and stay in a village of someone my friend knew.  It was a small village near some hills:

The houses were all constructed from mud and rocks with dried millet stalks for the roofs:

Here is the home where we stayed and slept on the ground under the stars:

There were many of these cone-shaped mud structures, often covered with millet stalks on top.  I’m not positive, but I think they have been used for grain storage:

When I woke up in the morning, it was nice and quiet, except for some goats prancing around the homes and on the rocks:

There is a kind of beauty to the simple, slow-paced life of the village that I could appreciate.

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