Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for October, 2011

Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Sounds like fun doesn’t it?  Actually conjunctivitis is just the medical term for what we in the States call “pinkeye”, although I didn’t discover…

Future Spouse

While driving in the car the other day with the kids, Evangeline gave me some insight into her present views of her future.  It…

Goodbye Loretta

After 21 years in Chad, our dear teammate Loretta has sensed the LORD leading her to return home to her native Ireland.  After spending…

Athanasius Turns 3!

Three years ago, on October 7, the LORD blessed us with a little boy.  We named him Athanasius Paul Broten, after Athanasius, the early…


This rainy season, I labored many hours planting a garden in our yard.  What?  It’s not actually “laboring” if you don’t do anything?  Oh,…

"I Chadian"

order Prozac The other week, I went to the market to pick up some fruit for the family.  Athanasius asked if he could tag…