Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Book Review: Treasure In An Oatmeal Box

When I was student teaching, a fellow teacher who was a mentor to me gave me a favorite book of his called “Treasure In An Oatmeal Box acquire Zoloft online “.  It instantly became one of my favorites as well. It was the first book I read every year to my incoming third graders. I have read it to my own children twice already.I was reminded of the book this week when we sat down in a restaurant and I observed how my children interacted with a very boisterous young man sitting nearby, who spoke loudly with garbled words and uncontrolled hand motions.

We all encounter children and adults who were uniquely designed by God with special needs. We hope to honor or encourage them just as we would others, but sometimes the encounters can be awkward and the best way to do that uncertain. And if it’s hard for us, imagine the things that might be going through a child’s mind who doesn’t always understand why a brother, sister, neighbor, classmate, or stranger looks, sounds, and maybe acts different than them.

order Prozac Treasure in an Oatmeal Box” by Ken Gire tells the story of Kevin and Kim Hallas, twins who are just entering a major life transition…moving to a new town. They face many of the normal adjustments of new faces, new places, and trying to fit in to their new surroundings. But there’s one big twist. Kevin is a special needs child. All the trials in transition only make Kim all the more aware of her brother’s inabilities and differences. Yet, through the patient counsel of her father and mother, as well as encounters with a mouse, a bear, an injured puppy, and a precious elderly couple, Kim comes to see that God designed Kevin for His special purposes and He doesn’t make mistakes.

Kudos if you can finish this book without crying…I’ve read it 10 times and never made it through with dry eyes.

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