Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The “Setup” is NOT Quite as “Set Up”

Even though Jesus encouraged us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread”, I don’t find myself praying that too often.  I wonder why?  It’s not because I don’t need daily bread; I obviously do.  It’s probably because I subconsciously don’t think I need His help to get it.  How arrogant!  There are so many things in my life that are “set up” and “organized”, such as food, a home, transportation, utilities, etc.  Unfortunately, having these things “set up” usually leads me disconnect His providence of them, rather than humbly falling on my face every morning asking for Him to provide them and doing the same in grateful thanksgiving at the end of the day.

That’s one reason I love Chad.  The “setup” is not quite as “set up”.  If I could, I would change that, but I can’t :)  So, almost every 4-5 days as we near the end of our last barrel of water, if you were sitting at our dinner table, you would hear us earnestly beseeching the LORD for water to come the next day.  When it comes, there is thanksgiving to the LORD, as we fill our barrels, enjoy an extra wash that day, and fill a small bucket for the kids to play with water.  Even the guard enjoys watering the plants on the compound.

And wherever there are chores involving water, you are bound to find Nehemiah.  He loves walking around with Muhammad Nuur, watering all the plants and filling the clay jars on the compound:

I guess not much has changed in the last three years (Flashback: Nehemiah wakes up every morning during our 2007 holiday in Kenya to help Duncan clean the pool):

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    To Nehemiah-
    Rory wants me to tell you again that he has mailed you cards and some construction paper and he hopes you get them soon. He likes the pictures of you helping with all the water chores. It’s not quite hot enough here yet to play with water.
    Rory says he misses you. Say hi to Evangeline and Athansius!
    Rory and Abram…and Josephine too

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