Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Book Review: Teddy’s Button

Teddy’s father was a brave soldier who died in battle, defending the queen and country.  All that was left behind was a button from his uniform, which Teddy wore with great pride.  He wanted to be just like his father, courageous and noble.
But, when revealed sin brings young Teddy into a meeting with his intuitive Pastor Mr. Upton, he is faced with an even greater task.  Will he enlist in the LORD’s army?  What does it look like to walk with the LORD’s “Banner of Love” towards those who are opposed?  And, how will he defeat his greatest enemy….himself!

Teddy’s Button, written in 1890 by Amy LeFeuvre, was our family’s introduction to Lamplighter Publishing, as we read it together this past December.  Nehemiah and Evangeline both loved it, while Nehemiah and I enjoyed several conversations about battling our sinful flesh, as we read about Teddy’s real life battles.  I would highly recommend the book to families, especially for reading with children ages 7-10.

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