Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Our Little Princess

I hope everyone is prepared for a barrage of pictures because the author for many of the posts on this blog is ONE PROUD PAPA.  I am so thankful to God for His goodness.  He has blessed me with such a faith-filled wife.  Sonja was so brave and she has worked so hard during this pregnancy, with multiple sicknesses and heat.  And Hadassah is a little princess.

We have had her name picked out before Athanasius came into our thoughts.  As many of you know, Hadassah is the Hebrew name of Queen Esther.  You can read the reference from Esther Chapter 2.  Whether it’s correct or not (and we know it’s different in the movie “One Night With The King”), we pronounce the first and last “A’s” with a short “u” sound and the middle “A” with a short”e” sound (think “Vanessa” to help with the vowel sounds).  Hadassah’s middle name, Elaine, comes from Sonja’s grandmother and is also shared as a middle name by Sonja’s mother Mary, as well as Sonja herself.

Little Hadassah has been nursing well from the get go, doing lots of pooping, and taking long naps for Mama.  Here’s another picture with more to come later:

UPDATE: Oh, and yes, for those who have been emailing, Hadassah does look remarkably similar to another little girl born about five years ago.  Wonder who?

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Anonymous says:

    Congrats!!!! It’s amazing how much she looks like Evangeline’s baby picture. So happy for you guys. Even though I didn’t write much you were in my prayers a lot. I even had prayed specifically for those packages as Christy had told me about them just a day or two before the birth. Great Job Sonja- you are as Jacob said a faith filled woman and Jacob you have reason to be a proud papa!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Little Hadassah sure does look a lot like her big sister…I thought that right away when I saw her picture! :) Beautiful girls!

  3. Ron and Vonda says:

    Beautiful baby. Once again congrats! I have figured out how to pronounce her first name but you never described how to pronounce her middle name. JK :)
    Lots of hugs and congrats to big brothers and sister as well. Ron and Vonda and kids

  4. Laura Lunger says:

    What a beautiful daughter! I am so excited that the Lord has given the boys and especially Evangeline a SISTER! We praise Him for everyone’s health and will continue to pray for your transition and the requests you mentioned! You are dearly loved!
    Laura and the Lungers!

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