Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Finding Our Midwife, Holly

So, how does one go about finding a qualified midwife, willing to come to the barren desert for 6 weeks, for the payment of room and board.  Many of you may think we called the hotline 1-800-RU-CRAZY, but that is not true.  Marvel at the LORD’s hand with us.

When we first arrived in Chad, we had a sense that the LORD wanted us to be open to the idea of having this child here.  Not necessarily have the child here, but to be “open” to it.  So, we began to ask around when we arrived.  The few qualified doctors who were here told us they would not help, as they felt we should leave to have the baby.  We then went to the only other possibility we could think of, which was to see if someone would come to us.  We put out a request to our supporters in the medical field to see if there was a doctor or midwife, who would be willing to come to us.

This is where God’s fingerprints are all over the place.

The wife of one of our “Doctor Supporters” posted our request onto a midwifery forum online.  You know, one of those “Hey anybody want to go deliver a baby in Chad this summer?” kind of posts.  Well, a friend of Holly’s “happened” to be reading the forum and told Holly she should check it out.  Holly was already planning a trip to Kenya and Malawi to pursue future ministry possibilities and the timing of our delivery fell right in line at the beginning of her trip.  She contacted the doctor’s wife who posted the inquiry, who then connected us and the rest was history.

Some may call that good luck.  I will NOT be that person.

When a loving friend fashions a gift for you, pouring time and thought into the matter, and hands it to you in a beautifully adorned package, you don’t look at everyone at the party and say, “What good luck that this present landed in my lap!”  That would be ignorant and ungrateful.  No, you thank the giver.

Holly was a gift from the LORD, as every good and perfect gift comes from the Father.  As such, we thank God for the wonderful servant she was to us, and the friend she has become to our family.  Please join us in blessing God for His provision and blessing Holly in her future ministry endeavors.  Who knows, maybe she will find herself back in Chad someday :)

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