Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


On Second Thought

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We had such an enjoyable time in Egypt last fall that we thought we would return there again.  We might have to wait awhile.

As you have no doubt heard, massive demonstrations have broken out across different countries in North Africa and the Middle East.  Sadly, it seems that many deaths have occurred and a number of those historical antiquities that we saw last year have been stolen or destroyed. acquire Zoloft online buy Deltasone online

While we were at the National Museum, a plain clothes police officer took a liking to Athanasius and allowed me to take a picture of him in his car (he wouldn’t allow me to take any other pictures though).

The National Museum, which was looted, is just across the street in back of the picture.  It is right next door to the National Police Headquarters, which has been set fire to a couple times and burned throughout in the past week.

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