Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Hadassah’s Floor Time

Hadassah, our little seven-month-old, continues to grow and grow.  Every morning after her nap, while the kids are in school with Mama, Hadassah plops it down for about an hour on the floor to wave her hands around, grab at a couple toys around her, and make lots of sounds. purchase Prozac

Sometimes, all the activity can be rather exhausting…or maybe it’s just the Chadian heat.

At any rate, we’re trying to enjoy the stationary playtime, as crawling is no doubt just around the corner.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have you heard of “blanket training?” It works on the idea that you train a child that when a certain blanket is laid out that those are their boundaries and they can’t get off. Might help keep her from crawling on (and eating) the Chadian sand for a little while longer.
    She is so sweet! Wish I could give her a squish!
    Amy Oliver

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