Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Hadassah’s First Steps

We never thought it could happen this early.  All of our other kids walked between 11-13 months.  But sure enough, after starting to crawl and stand last week, Hadassah took her first steps today.
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Normally this would be a cause for great celebration, which it was initially, but her newfound ability to move quickly led to panic, as she got out of our sight during morning chores today.  We all started looking for her.  It was Athanasius who finally found her.  She had fallen into the hole of our outdoor bathroom.

Thankfully, because of how well she’s been eating lately, she was too fat to fall through the hole completely, but was wedged in there pretty good at her belly line with her arms above ground and her legs dangling down by the cockroaches and fecal matter.

Sonja and I each grabbed an arm to try and loosen her while the kids just started praying for God to get her out.  Then Hadassah looked up at all of us and spoke her first audible words to us, “Happy April Fool’s Day!”

Boy, did we get played!  Here’s a picture of our conniving little trickster: Buy Zoloft online

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PS….So, which category did you fall into; A) I knew it before I clicked on the link, B) I figured it out midway through your ridiculous post, or C) I’m still putting the pieces together you dork.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Anonymous says:

    I remembered today was my youngest son’s birthday but forgot the April Fools day part! Did I ever “fall” for that! I couldn’t imagine Hadassah walking this early. I must say it was a good joke! Bev. Jankowski

  2. Anonymous says:

    That was just mean. There is no way you ran that by Sonja – she knows that would not be good for my heart!!!

  3. Stephanie says:

    So to answer the question – when I saw your email in my inbox, I remembered that you like to play it up on April Fool’s Day. Then when I read the headline I had forgotten and figured it was some sort of analogy (since our Isabella is just about a month younger than she is and isn’t anywhere close to crawling even.) About half-way through reading your post, I had to scroll back up to the top to see what the date at the top was. I was pretty proud of myself for figuring it out, especially since it was only 4:30 am! Good joke, though!

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