Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Coming and Going

That’s what the teeth of our home are doing lately.  Hadassah has sprouted her first chompers, while Nehemiah said Ma’a Salaama (goodbye) to a bunch of his.  It reminds me of the time when my dentist told me that my wisdom teeth probably needed to go.  This was just a couple of weeks before our dental coverage was about to be finished, so we scheduled a time to extract all 4 at once on the day before coverage expired.

Sonja came with me.  I went in late morning.  Sonja said people kept coming in and then leaving throughout the afternoon.  One lady commented that the drugs gave her a little buzz.  Apparently they knocked me out, as the people in the office told Sonja that the extraction went well, but I was not handling the drugs well.  Eventually, they told Sonja that the office had to close at 5 PM, so they allowed her to wheel me down in a wheelchair to the car.  I vomited all over on the way down to the car and this with wads of gauze in my mouth to help the healing and prevent dry sockets.  Sonja was a good nurse.

I pray fervently that my children get their mother’s teeth, not their father’s.  Here’s Nehemiah with his new tusks peeking out:

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Beth says:

    I absolutely love, love, love that the missing teeth grin stage. Take tons of pictures because it doesn’t last long enough.

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