Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Family Movies

The Hills are Alive … and Julie Andrews is currently the queen of our house.  A couple months ago someone gave us the movie “Mary Poppins” and ever since then Evangeline has been talking like she is Mary Poppins, while Nehemiah and Athanasius walk around quoting lines from the movie.  They have likewise taken to Andrews other notable musical film, “The Sound of Music”.  Our house is filled with songs from these two movies.  In fact, I went through and asked each family member for their favorite song.  Below is a list of the favorite songs.  Can you match the family member to their favorite song (Hadassah excluded)?

1. Step in Time Generic Zoloft
2. I Love to Laugh
3. Just A Spoonful of Sugar
4. Do a deer a female deer… Re a drop of golden sun…
5. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Answers to come after a couple days.  What are your favorite songs from these movies? Prozac online
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UPDATE:  So, here’s the answers:

1. Athanasius (who marches around the room repeating, “Step In Time..”)
2. Papa
3. Nehemiah
4. Evangeline
5. Mama

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. That’s so funny…we recently checked out Mary Poppins and it has been all the talk lately. This week we checked out Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and they really liked it, but not quite as much as Mary Poppins. Needless to say, grandma is sending Chaya a copy of MP for her birthday!

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