Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Sometimes You Want To Go…

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…where everybody knows your name.

The entire family is enjoying themselves this week in the wonderful town of Iriba.  I have taught a number of courses here over the past year, but this is the first time for Sonja and the kids to see the town.  There are about 2,000 residents here and about 50,000 in the surrounding refugee camps.

Since Sonja and I both grew up in smaller, laid back towns, this actually has a little feel of home to us, minus the electricity, running water, and other amenities common in the States.  Although, the town HAS built a water tower this year and are in the process of laying pipes so that water can be delivered through a tap to each home on specific days of the week.

Here is a picture of the water tower and the town of Iriba from the hill where the water tower is located:

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