Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Gardens In Deserts

Sonja and I have talked about planting a garden once we settle down in one place.  Fruits and vegetables can be so sparse at certain times of the year here, when all you can find is onions, garlic, and okra.  But, we’ve always wondered, what can you grow?

The other day when we were in one of the refugee camps a co-worker with an organization asked me if I wanted to see a garden they were helping develop by supplying water to a woman, who had the initiative to plant and tend it.  It wasn’t the prettiest thing in the world, but she had a couple different lettuce-type plants, carrots, watermelons, and onions.  The watermelons sounded good to me :) purchase prednisone

Here’s a picture of two of my students, the co-worker, and the woman responsible for the garden:

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