Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Surgery Went Well

What a great group of friends and family you all are.  We had over 30 emails in the inbox to read through this afternoon when we returned from the hospital.  Thank you for your prayers, sympathy, and encouragement to continue trusting in Him.

The D & C surgery was completed in under an hour and Sonja was able to check out of the hospital a couple hours later.  She has spent most of the day in bed reading and writing (she told me she had a lot of time to talk with God) and said she feels really well tonight.

One more routine blood test tomorrow and then we hope to drive back down to the cities to spend Christmas with Sonja’s family and some close friends.  Thanks again for all your warm notes and prayers.  Here’s Sonja and I on the night of our anniversary:

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