Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Archive for January, 2012

Goodbye Fatuma

Goodbyes are important in Chad.  It doesn’t necessarily matter how long you have known someone or how well you know them, it is important…

Bathroom Manners

Life is a little different here in America.  A gracious friend pointed out to us a couple weeks ago that we might want to…

Family Relationships

It’s enough to make a father and mother’s heart melt.  As many of you know, the boys and girls are separated this week from…


In Chad, everything has a use.  Of course that’s true in the States also.  What’s different is the actual ways in which people put…

Team Picture

When we had our annual conference a month ago with our team in Chad, we took a photo, so here’s a picture of what…

Kids’ Conversation

I’m pretty sure this is what Athanasius’s cousin Annie was saying to him in these pictures: Annie: Athanasius, could you look at me when…