Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Bad Smell

So, when we returned from Roseau last Thursday, there was a terrible odor outside of our door.  It smelled like a dead animal.  After searching behind some air conditioning units that are sitting outside of our door, I found this was indeed the case.  A poor squirrel has met its maker.

It reminded me of the hot season in Chad last year, when a cat went rigor mortis and keeled over in our yard.  Judging by the blood on the wall, it would seem that this squirrel was attacked by a dog or cat, but had just enough life left to crawl in one of the broken windows to our lobby and sit itself right outside of our door.

Here’s a picture of the squatter, whom I had to return to the wild: cheap Zoloft

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