Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



About time we had a post with an Arabic title, right?  Kuura is the Arabic word for ball.  It is also the word they use for the sport of soccer (maybe because it uses a nice round ball). Generic Zoloft Prozac online

Kuura is about the only sport that you will find being played in Eastern Chad among kids.  There might be a few tribes that teach some forms of wrestling and of course kids run races, but nothing is as prevalent and organized as soccer.  If there is a television to be found in the neighborhood, you can bet that youth and adults are tuning in at night to watch their favorite European soccer teams (usually Barcelona, Real Madrid, or Manchester United).

Therefore, soccer is the one sport in Chad that Nehemiah is able to exercise his strong desire for competition (wonder where he gets that from).  He plays it everyday with the kids in the neighborhood.  For the past month, Nehemiah has been attending an “Academy” of sorts to learn and practice the skills used in the game of soccer.  Even though he usually wishes there were more games, he likes being able to kick the ball around indoors each Saturday morning.  Here’s a couple pics:

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Oh yeah, sometimes Athanasius comes with us and he finds great entertainment in wearing lots of jerseys and an occasional cone on his head:

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