Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Motorcycles & Mopeds

In Chad, the vehicle of the people is the motorcycle.

No wonder, you can sure fit a lot of passengers on that thing. acquire Zoloft online buy prednisone online

Only the extremely wealthy and well-connected can pay the large price to purchase a truck or a landcruiser (which are usually used in the first place).  Even though a motorcycle is still very expensive, it is the one vehicle that people who work and earn a living can manage to afford.  In the picture below with Nehemiah and a friend’s son, you’ll notice his “motorcycle”:

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Maybe it’s technically a vintage 1970s moped, but there are many of these old machines as well in Abeche. In order to start them, the driver must first pedal quickly to crank the engine and get it started.  They’re defintely a bit slower than the more modern motorcycles that most people drive, but it also makes you smile and feel like you’ve gone back in time a little :)

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