Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


School w/ Evangeline

So what does school look like in our house?  Most days we try to hold loosely to a schedule. After the kids have done their jobs, like clearing the table, sweeping under it, and helping with the dishes, we start school (usually about 8 AM).

Both Nehemiah and Evangeline do Latin with Jacob a few days each week, so he usually takes Nehemiah first while I teach Evangeline and then we switch after an hour or two.  When each of the older kids finish their Latin with Jacob, they either help with the younger two or sit down to read a book from the library.

A little over a year ago Evangeline asked if she could have some time in the mornings to pray.  Though at first I didn’t do anything to follow up on that, my sister-in-law asked me about it and that encouraged me to start our school time with a prayer journal.  We’ve tried some different things to direct that time over the past months.  Most recently we cut out some prayer requests from the bulletin at church and pasted them into her journal.  Then I usually ask her if there is anything else she wants to pray for.  This morning she asked if we could pray for Fatuma and her family.

After spending time in prayer, we move into grammar.  This is Evangeline’s first year studying grammar.  We use a curriculum called Prozac online Shurley Grammar.  Right now, she’s learning some jingles to help her learn and remember the roles of a noun and verb.  For example (to the tune of ” purchase prednisone This Old Man“):

This little noun, floating around, names a person place or thing, with a knick-knack paddy whack these are English rules, isn’t language fun and cool.

After grammar we do math.  I happen to LOVE Saxon Math which is the curriculum we are using.  Evangeline is currently reviewing her doubles addition facts now and working on telling time to the hour.
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In the afternoons after lunch she reads a book that we picked out at the library.  Evangeline is so fun to teach because she is quiet and happy to learn.  The most challenging thing about teaching her is that sometimes it takes her extra long to think things through in her head and I have to be patient to wait :)  Here we are in our little school room at the opening of one day last week:

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