Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



I’ve been thinking a lot these past two weeks about the reason for pain and suffering in the world.

One of our prayer supporters was very sick and fighting for his life during that time. I looked up to Jeremy when we were in high school, as he walked faithfully with the LORD and was just a couple years older than me. He brought me to my first Christian concert (David Meece), where I recommitted my life to Christ.

After high school, our paths went in different directions but we kept track of one another from a distance. Yet, I have felt more indebted to Jeremy and what he has taught me over that distance through his purchase prednisone writing about life than anything we ever talked about in high school.

You see, about 7 years ago, Jeremy was diagnosed with cancer buy Prozac online cheap Zoloft (Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma). After long rounds of excruciating chemo treatments, his cancer was in remission, but he still had to deal with chronic back pain and the Crohn’s disease he had been diagnosed with even before the cancer. Then, this past fall, doctors told him that he now had a blood disorder (MDS), which came as an unintended consequence of the aggressive chemo treatments years ago. This blood disorder would require a bone marrow transplant. That happened last month, but in the very early stages of his recovery, Jeremy became extremely sick and on Sunday night, he passed away.

There is no way anything in my life can even remotely come close to the pain that Jeremy has gone through. His life reminds me so much of Job. Not just in the suffering, but in the way he spoke honestly with God about his suffering and in the way he never stopped blessing the name of the LORD. Please join us in praying for Jeremy’s wife and three kids, as well as his parents, brother, sister, and numerous friends who no doubt rejoice that his suffering is over, but grieve his absence.

I love the line in this song by Matthew West, “The reason for the world (and all its pain) is to make us long for home.”

Rest in joy with Christ forever, Jeremy.female tennis player cialis commercial

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