Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Choosing A Name

One of the first comments we receive when someone finds out we’re expecting a baby is the inquisitive, “So, what will the name be?”  Then the person starts throwing out a plethora of oddball guesses.  One friend even tried to persuade me that naming the baby Jane would really throw people off.

Well, I can tell you two things…we’ve chosen a name and it’s not Jane.  Trusting that the ultrasound estimations were correct and our little baby is indeed a girl, we will have another four-syllable child who struggles to pronounce their own name for the first three years of life (Athanasius can say his name now, but Hadassah still calls herself Dessa).  The name will carry meaning and will probably be unique, which are Sonja and I’s two requirements when we select names.

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Speaking of the baby, Sonja went in for her prenatal appointment this week and found out she’s dilated to a 4……so please pray for our little baby to relax and stay put for a while longer (about a month to be exact)  and that Sonja will get the rest she needs to help facilitate that.

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This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Veronica says:

    Being in my 31st week of pregnancy, I often can’t sleep past about 4am. During these morning hours I often pray for you and your family. I rest in knowing that God planned the day of birth for each of our children long before time even began. I pray that the creator of all things will make you lie down in green pastures and enjoy his presence in increasing measure each day.

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