Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



I am terrible at keeping secrets and therefore even worse at carrying out a surprise.  Either I want to make sure that the other person will like the surprise or I’m just too excited to keep it to myself.

My husband, on the other hand, is really good at surprises and he’s managed to surprise me several times in the past eleven years.  The Valentine’s Day after we first started dating in Jan of 2002, he found a way to get into my room and set up a goofy looking stuffed animal that danced around singing a song that I liked.  On our honeymoon, we were on the coast of Oregon and had just gone to see the sea lions.  Afterwards, we went through the gift shop and I saw these Scandinavian looking iron heart candle holders that I liked.  He told me he had to go to the bathroom so I could head to the car and then a couple days later, he gave me the candle holder Prozac online for Christmas. cheap Zoloft purchase prednisone

Some of you might remember about a year ago when we came back to the States, we surprised our families for Christmas.  That was all Jacob.  He takes joy in finding ways to bless others, and the surprise element adds to the blessing and the joy.

Most recently, for my birthday two days ago, the kids brought in a huge box.  Jacob had found a way to surprise me again.  You might think that since I know he likes to carry out surprises, I would see these things coming, but I never do.  Several months ago he had heard me say that I’d like a Keurig coffee maker.  Many of my in-laws have them and I thought that since we’ll have electricity for another several months, I’d like to enjoy the benefits :-)  Once we arrived in Sherbrooke, there was an old fashioned coffee maker in the apartment and I started to use that.  You’ve probably guessed what was in the big box.  Jacob had gone out to the Walmart here and bought me a Keurig.  The gift itself is nice since it is something that I had wanted, but more than that was the fact that he had paid attention to what I had said and kept it stored away in his mind for months.  Not to mention the fact that he doesn’t like coffee or spending money, but he took joy in giving me a big expensive coffee maker :-)  That’s only one of the many reasons I love long does cialis super active last

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