Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Hunting Experience

So what did the “hunting” part of deer hunting camp look like for Nehemiah?

Every morning Nehemiah woke up with Grandpa Broten at about 5:30 a.m. to eat breakfast and then they got dressed to walk out to the deer stand.  Nehemiah was able to sit in a variety of deer stands from tree stands and 360 tripod stands to ladder stands. Most of them were about 15 feet off the ground.  Here’s Nehemiah in a ladder stand:

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Temperatures were typically around 25-35 degrees Fahrenheit each day.  Most days, they stayed in the stand for about two hours in the morning before returning to the cabin for some work and play around the cabin.  Then it was time for lunch.  After spending a couple more hours around the cabin, Nehemiah and Grandpa would go back out to their deer stands and stay there from about 3-5 p.m. before returning to the cabin for dinner.  Grandpa said that Nehemiah usually liked to stay close by when they walked together in the woods…and that he enjoyed having him close by :-)

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