Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Book Review: The White Dove

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Each time our family finishes a book, I usually pull 3-4 new ones off the bookshelf, read the plot, and let the kids vote on which one they would like me to read.  When Evangeline heard the plot for “The White Dove“, she started lobbying the other kids to vote for it with her and no one was disappointed in the choice.

The White Dove” was written by Christoph von Schmid in 1841, and though it’s smaller in size, the plot is extremely rich and will have you and your kids on the edge of your seats.
Little Agnes makes a friend when Emma and her mother come to seek aid and assistance from Agnes’ father, the Knight Theobald.  As a sign of her friendship, Agnes gives Emma the gift most dear and precious to her heart, her white dove.  Amazingly, in the sovereign hands of God, this very white dove ends up saving the lives of Knight Theobald, those in his castle, and even little Emma.

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How does a little bird save so many people?  You’ll have to read the book to find out!

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