Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


L’Eau Vive

I like to find intentional ways to interact with others in the language I’m learning. The classroom is great for teaching vocabulary, verb conjugations, and grammar rules, but the laboratory (interactions with others) is where you really grow in familiarity with the sounds and structures. It’s the same way that we understand grammar in English most often by simply asking ourselves, “Does that sound right?”

Besides broomball, the other laboratory where I’ve been able to interact with French has been at our church, L’Eau Vive. I was able to attend weekly choral practices last fall in preparation for the Christmas Concert. Since then, I have participated on the worship team two or three weeks of every month. Our family has benefitted through numerous friends who have visited us and invited us over for meals. Sonja had a friends from L’Eau Vive, who came over every week just to dialogue in French with her. The kids attended Sunday School in French every week.

This morning, our church has invited us and other workers to share our stories with the church. It will be our final Sunday with the body at L’Eau Vive. We are thankful for the many friends that we’ve made in our time there. Here’s a picture of Sonja and her friend Claudette from L’Eau Vive:


On another note, while leading worship at L’Eau Vive, I learned something interesting. In English, we call the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, but in French they are called Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, Do. Does that remind you of this?

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