Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


My Meeting With A Lawyer

I promise…I didn’t do anything bad :-)

Two weeks ago, I went to sit down with a lawyer because a couple friends and I are starting a non-profit organization to assist people working overseas when they return on furlough by providing them with a vehicle to use during their time back in the states. You my have seen the organization’s first vehicle around before:
Of course, I know absolutely nothing about starting a non-profit, so the lawyer was really helpful in shedding light upon that process. Also, google has been one of my best friends this past week, as I ask him questions like:

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“How do I write an Aritcles of Incorporation document for a non-profit organization?”
I’ll write more about the organization at another time, but we’re really excited about the opportunity to serve overseas workers in this way. Our first user will take the keys just after

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