Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Special Grandmothers

One short airplane ride down, two long ones to go!

There are so many joys that well up in our hearts as we depart.  Of course, those joys are always countered with the many goodbyes we say to you, our family and friends.  For me, there is probably no harder goodbye than my goodbye to Grandma (my eyes are even welling up right now).

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Maybe it’s because I’m a practical guy and while I know any one of us could pass away tomorrow, I understand what the odds are.  My grandfather, Roy Nelson, passed away during our last term.  Sonja’s grandfather, Jennings Feroe, passed away the year before that.  We don’t talk about it, but it’s in the back of my mind and when it comes time to say goodbye, it hits me like a bag of bricks every time.

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Sonja and I each have one grandmother (one great-grandparent for the kids) still living and in the midst of all the packing and numerous visits and goodbyes, it means a lot to us to be able to see them and give them a hug before we leave, which we did this past week.
Here’s to our two special grannies, Donys Nelson and Elaine Feroe…still strong and kicking…and we hope for many more years!

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