Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


A Disgusting Song for Father’s Day

Hold on…it’s not as bad as you think.

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there and especially to our fathers, Deland Broten and Ted Hovey.  Since it’s Father’s Day, I figured I would write a tribute of sorts to my father.

Many of you know that I enjoy writing music and songs on the piano and guitar.  I’ve written numerous wedding songs for family and friends and special numbers for conferences, but the songs I’m most famous for in my own home are none of these.  In fact, there is a song that only our best friends have ever heard, which my kids consistently request.

Keep in mind, while reading some of these lyrics, that I wrote it while Sonja was pregnant and on bed rest with Athanasius and I was given charge of little Nehemiah and Evangeline for about a month (they came with me everywhere).  Here’s the song that still makes them laugh:

Written in 2008, while driving in the car with the kids (after one of them…”ahem”…I’ll let you guess what they did):

I was driving in my car
I was not traveling very far
I turned around to look in my back seat
And who was riding with me

It was…

Stinky Buns and Tootie Bunnies
Stinky Buns and Tootie Bunnies
Stinky Buns and Tootie Bunnies with me
They were in my back seat

I know…pretty deep huh, but you’d be amazed at what wins your kids’ affection :-)  What does this have to do with Father’s Day?  Well, I’m about to prove the veracity of the old adage, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” (and probably cause my mom to write me an email with the subject, “Why?”).

My dad, while not a music aficionado, also enjoys writing ditties.  I remember him doing it when I was kid (and that’s probably where I get my silliness from).  Well, he’s written a song that all the grandkids love singing (to the dismay of their parents and grandmother) and passing along to their friends.  So today, on Father’s Day, in honor of my dad, Deland Broten, I present to you the opening of, “The Most Disgusting Song Ever Written” as performed by some of the grandkids (lyrcis below):

Updated (as my first attempt from memory was off):

I’ve got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more
I’ve got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more
I’m not going to put it in a kleenex, nor wipe it on my jeans, I’m gonna flick it on the floor
Cause I’ve got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more

Happy Father’s Day Papa!

This Post Has 1 Comment

  1. Grandpa Broten says:

    Grandpa Broten does enjoy throwing together these quick little ditties and the grandkids love to add as we explore them. Now lets make sure we get the lyrics correct.

    I’ve got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more…

    I’ve got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more…

    I’m not going to put it in a kleenix, nor wipe it on my jeans, I’m gonna flick it on the floor…

    Cause I got the booger by the tail, the tail of the booger, it’s not in my nose no more…

    My Nana says it’s sorta gross, I shouldn’t put my finger in my nose, but my Grandpa he just smiles, shrugs his shoulders, and says “it’s better than picking jam from your toes.

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