Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Elliana Under The Knife

On Tuesday, little Elliana Schrader walked back into the operating room for a procedure she is all too familiar with, jaw distraction surgery.  Doctors cut both sides of her jaw and inserted a mechanical device which will slowly pull the jaw apart a small distance over the next three weeks.

Her parents have told us that the pain is excruciating.

Yet, the hope is that this final surgery will open the airway enough so that Elliana’s trach, which has been with her since shortly after birth, will finally be able to be removed.

Her daddy, Brian, writes about the surgery and how this device manually opens Elliana’s jaw on their blog Generic prednisone .  Follow along over the next few weeks and pray for strength in the midst of all the pain and that the surgery would have its intended effect.

Here’s a picture of Elliana and daddy just before the surgery:

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