Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Care Packages

Last week, we received our first care packages since returning to Chad (thanks grandparents and Roberts family) and since some of you have asked how and what you could send to our family, I figured I would write a post on sending care packages to Chad.

I don’t know if there’s a better way to bring a long and lasting smile to the Broten family’s faces than a stuffed care package. Everyone gets giddy when we get a call from the local office saying that a package has arrived with our name on it. We then move into a grand “Opening Ceremony” where everyone sits on the edge of their seat to see what has come:

The best way to send a care package to our family is by USPS Flat Rate boxes (found at your local post office). Our address here in Chad is:

Jacob Broten
B.P. 53
Abéché, CHAD (via Paris)

What should you send if you’re able? Here’s a list of items we enjoy, but don’t find here (and seem to make the journey across the ocean without spoiling):

– Caribou Coffee Grounds and Coffeemate Carmel Additive (Sonja)
– Packs of hockey or baseball trading cards (Nehemiah)
– Bracelet or necklace crafts (Evangeline)
– Small cars or army guy figurines (Athanasius)
– Coloring books and Crayola Twistables (Athanasius and Hadassah)
– Anything to suck on (Perpetua)
– Chips and Cheese Dip (Jacob)
– Parmesan cheese, and gravy, taco, chili, and salad seasoning packets (everyone)
– Exotic nuts (anything other than peanuts) and dried fruits (everyone)
– Bacon bits, pepperonis, or teryaki (the carnivores of the family)
– Skittles, licorice, and small assorted wrapped chocolates such as Mr. Goodbar, Hershey, etc.

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Crystal Light Iced Tea, gatorade, or other drink mixes (everyone)

When leaving it at the post office, they will ask you to write what items are being sent (snacks, books, toys, etc). Delivery time to Chad can take anywhere from 6-12 weeks. Pack thoughtfully when putting everything in the box, realizing that it will be exposed to hot weather and a fair amount of wear and tear. It’s a good idea to avoid sending liquids or items that will easily melt. Place items that might get damaged (like books) into plastic bags. Lastly, be aware that the cost of sending the box is about $50.

A few more pics from the last package opening:

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