Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Constructing A Chadian Bathroom

Now we actually get to construct our own Chadian bathroom.  It’s going behind our house and will be connected to a little storage room.  The first job was to dig a 2 meter deep hole (about 6 1/2 feet).  This took two men about three days to complete.  It’s not easy work when all you have is a metal pole (to try and break up the ground) along with a shovel.

Once the hole is dug, you lay a couple 2 X 4s across the top followed by plywood.  Then you cut your holes for access to the “pit”.  We will have three.  One for the toilet, one for a floor drain, and one for a ventilation pipe.

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Then, a patchwork of rebar is constructed and laid over the top of the plywood.  Sections of the rebar must be cut to align with the holes in the plywood:

Before the final step of pouring cement begins, PVC placeholders are put in the holes (so cement doesn’t just go down the hole), the walls and retaining boards are set up, and the cement is mixed.  Then it is poured over the rebar and spread evenly.

The floor of our bathroom is now done and I hope the walls and roof will be finished when I return.  Then I will bring out an RV toilet we purchased from the States and place it over the hole.  We’ll be sure to put up pics of the end product :-)

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