Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


The Value of Books

Growing up my dad was always reading. He read a lot of history and war books, and also a lot of fiction. Some of the authors I remember him talking about were Solzynetsyn and James Joyce. At family social gatherings he would have his book in hand and when the meal was done he would retreat to the couch to read. He filled our house with books. If I read a book he was more than happy to take me to the library or bookstore to find some more good books to read.

I can’t say at the time that I took an interest in reading. I much rather enjoyed playing outside or being with other people. It wasn’t until college or after college that I began to really enjoy reading.

Then I met Jacob. I can’t say for certain, but I am pretty sure that the first night we saw each other at a New Year’s Eve party, he had a book in his hand. As I got to know Jacob more, I realized he actually had a book bag which he brought around with him everywhere, otherwise referred to by his friends as his man purse. In it, he always carried a handful of books. I’ve heard his dad say that during deer hunting season, Jacob would sit up in the deer stand and read!

I love being married to a man who loves reading and values books. It has meant that even though we are in the Sahara Desert, he does everything he can to help me make sure we have great books for the kids, which challenge their hearts and their minds.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Amy Oliver says:

    Oh my goodness. Look at that school room! Amazing. Looks like an amazing place to learn. Give that baby a squish for me.

    • Jacob says:

      We’ll give our baby a squish if you do the same to yours. We were really excited to read the news today :-)

  2. Ted Hovey says:

    Sonja -I’m so happy you and Jacob are “surrounding” your children with books!

    Is that Perpetua standing there? I remember when you were a wee one like that, and you pulled some books off a shelf. The first time it happened I thought we had to put a stop to that – but then it occurred to me that would only make you think books should only sit on their shelf. After that we let you pull them out, make a mess, even tear a few pages – anything to let you know books are supposed to be handled, smelled, played with, chewed on, looked at, and eventually you would learn to read. Then your curiousity could lead to find what you were interested in!

  3. Veronica says:

    One of my favorite memories of my childhood is my mom reading to all of us after dinner or on road trips with fairly straight roads. :)

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