Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Wedding Celebrations

You may have been wondering what the men are up to while the women prepare all that food for the wedding…thankfully one of our visitors was able to capture us hard at work:

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…excuse me, did I say hard…I meant hardly…hardly at work.  Yes, the men spend the majority of the day sitting and visiting (I’m in a blue jalabiyya towards the back).  After supper and prayers, members of the groom’s family go out to fetch the bride.  A friend told me that this can sometimes mean simply driving over to the bride’s home and bringing her to the husband’s home or sometimes they will make it interesting and hide the bride at another family member’s house and force the groom’s brothers to find her.  No matter what, once she makes her way over, it is with a large group of people whooping, hollering, and honking.  This particular reconnaissance mission took about 90 minutes before the brothers returned with the bride.

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Here I’m sitting with the groom and some other men, while the procession whisks the bride into the home that has been prepared for them to the left.  At this particular celebration, there was no dancing (which others told me there often is).  This may be because these families are more conservative in their religious beliefs.  Once the woman is situated in their bedroom, the man then goes in to join her.  Then everyone paraded into their bedroom to snap pictures and give them some celebratory cheers.  The woman was completely covered.  It was a raucous 10-15 minutes, but they insisted I go in and take pictures, which was pretty difficult amidst all the people and the smoke infested room (they burn a type of incense in preparing the room).  Here is the best picture I managed while holding my camera high:

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Once everyone has gone through the house, people slowly head home for the night and leave the groom and bride in their new home.  Heading home at around midnight, I had spent about eight hours in all at the wedding, while the ladies spent similar time, but more of it occurring earlier in the day.  We learned a lot about this culture and enjoyed lots of good conversations with cialis daily

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