Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Heat Rash

While most of the year is hot in Chad, one reminder that summer is unto a category all its own, are the heat rashes that start developing all over our children’s bodies during this season.  Where we struggle as adults to even fall asleep in the heat, the kids somehow manage to do it.  But while they sleep, they sweat, and itch, and…well maybe visual evidence would be the most helpful.  Here’s one of the kids’ torso area during hot season:

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The most difficult is when this happens to our young children.  The rash develops, they itch it profusely, leading to open sores and infection.  We just had to treat Perpetua with antibiotics because she developed an infection in the crook of her arm.  We do our best to fight the heat rash with frequent baths, baby powder, and finding as cool or well-ventilated sleeping conditions as possible.

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