Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Sahara Getting Fatter

This may be one of the only times I can get away with a post like this for my daughters. While I continue feeding Sahara Krispy Kremes with Nutella on top (okay, just kidding about that), everyone in the family is rooting for her to get fatter. We all wait in anticipation during her weigh-in each morning to see whether she has gained any weight.

We’re happy to report that after one week, the results look promising.  Sonja is giving Sahara an extra 300 mL of formula every day in addition to nursing and so far, she has added ounces each day and is nearing her birth weight.  The doctor is encouraged immensely by this progress.  Here’s a picture of Sahara along with some family friends, as they participate in the “Get Sahara Fat Campaign” :



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