Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Village Visit

Romaan, an old friend of Sonja’s from Abéché, came to Iriba to visit her family. This was the area she grew up in, but it had been 10-15 years since she visited them. She wanted to go to a nearby village about 15 miles from Iriba, where many family members lived, but lacked the transportation to get there. Sonja thought that would be a good opportunity to volunteer me as a chauffeur.

The morning turned out to be very enjoyable.  Sonja and Hadassah went into many houses with Romaan as they visited her relatives.  But, nothing brought more enjoyment to the kids in that village on that day than getting Hadassah to hop up on a donkey and ride it for awhile.  Hadassah had a lot of fun as well!


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