Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Birds vs. Windshields

This is the yellow-billed kite of Chad (apologies for his resting state):


In general, bird populations ebb and flow in Chad, but usually find their highest points of population and activity during the months of rainy season (August-September) as the rains bring more bugs, rodents, and other small wildlife.  These yellow-billed kites are found in droves along the one main highway that runs east and west across the country.  They are out in the mornings particularly scavenging on the previous day’s roadkill and don’t seem to sense the presence of oncoming traffic well.  This particular kite had an encounter with my front grill as I returned from N’Djamena to Iriba.


Oddly, he ended up with his foot stuck in that grill.  He wasn’t the first yellow-billed kite to meet our vehicle on this journey.  If you look closely at the picture again, you’ll notice what one of his cousins did to the windshield on the vehicle just an hour before on the same trip.  Here’s the closeup of the damage:


Nervous that the entire widshield might collapse, I pushed the depressed windshield back out form the dashboard, wedged our first aid kit underneath it, and drove the remaining 6-7 hours in prayer that it would hold up.  Here was my view for the rest of that trip:


By the LORD’s grace, I made it to Abéché where I was able to have the windshield changed.  I don’t know if I’ve ever hit a bird before, but having two clashes in one trip have made me realize how big and strong these creatures are.  Hopefully, it’s the last time our windshield goes toe to toe with the yellow-billed kite :-)

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