Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


More Testing

Today, Sonja had an amniocentesis as well as another ultrasound, but this time with a pediatric cardiologist.  The pediatric cardiologist strolled around our baby’s heart with a ultrasound tech.  Equally amazing to the technology that look inside our bodies like this, are the medical specialists that can actually understand these images.  Here is our baby’s heart:


After a long, thorough, investigation of our little girl’s heart, the pediatric cardiologist sat down with us and shared his findings.  Our little girl has a double outlet right ventricle (DORV), along with some other more minor issues.  He said this can be corrected by surgery, but that we will need to wait and see how other tests come back.

One of those tests is the amniocentesis.  Our doctor inserted a long needle through Sonja’s abdomen into her uterus and withdrew samples of amniotic fluid.  They will spin these samples down to find skin flakes and other secretions from our little girl that can then be tested for the genetic abnormalities we suspect.  While the full analysis takes 1-2 weeks, a quick inspection of the most common abnormalities is expected to be return in 48 hours.  So, LORD-willing, we will know by Friday if our baby indeed has trisomy 13, 18, or triploidy as doctors suspect.  We’ll explain more later, but this knowledge will help inform birth planning for us and the doctors as we prepare for our little girl’s arrival into the world.

By late afternoon, Sonja was released and able to return to the kids and I.  She has another appointment on Friday and will continue to be monitored leading up to a hopeful delivery around the end of this month if baby is willing to wait that long.  The kids were all glad to see their Mama back tonight:


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ginny Mauger says:

    We continue to pray for you all and may you sense the Lord’s presence through all that you are going through. Ken and Ginny Mauger

  2. Marion Rogers says:

    Dear Broten family, I’ll definitely be praying for you. I learnt about you via the Carters whom I also pray for. It’s good to know that our God is good and that He has everything under control and that he uses these happenings for His good purpose.
    Love Marion

  3. Rita Vandertil says:

    Praying for you Jacob and Sonja every day. This is such a difficult journey for you. Praying that God will perfect that which needs perfecting and that He will give you His Peace throughout each and every step of the way.

  4. Paula and David says:

    Praying for you as you wait…. praying also for Gods grace, mercy and peace to be present in your lives!
    Will share your prayer request with our church at Martinsville Bible, Illinois

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