Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Baby Boy Coming

Sonja and I feel like each pregnancy in life is as exciting as the first and maybe even more so because instead of just the two of us celebrating, dreaming, and planning, we get to enjoy the journey with the rest of our kids. Yesterday was an AWESOME day as the kids and I (minus Nehemiah who was taking his ACT) were able to join Sonja for her ultrasound appointment. Here is Sonja with our ultrasound tech, Christina. We are so thankful for our family clinic and their willingness to let our whole family enjoy this together.


The kids waited quietly as they set up everything for the ultrasound. Christina commented that if she hadn’t seen the kids, she wouldn’t have even known they were there. How many Broten kids can you fit in two chairs of an exam room?


Ultrasound technology is AMAZING primarily because it shows us a glimpse of the glory of God. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE that this is our baby at 17 weeks with head, facial features, a beating heart, arms, and legs. Sonja particularly noticed each vertebrae up and down the spine as the baby moved around.


He waved to us during the ultrasound…or at least that’s what we’re telling ourselves 🙂


And just like that, he made it really clear to us that he’s a BOY!!! Yep, this baby is not shy.


We all crowded around Sonja for a family picture after the ultrasound. She (and we all) would appreciate your prayers for good health and development for her and the baby. We’re having a baby BOY!!! 🙋‍♂️ #lookoutgirls


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