Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Our First Trip To Market

Last Friday, Evangeline and I went to the market with another woman. When we got out of the truck there were at least 15 young beggar boys surrounding the car with big smiles on their faces. They were fascinated by Evangeline’s hair. We greeted them and then started to go towards the fruit and vegetables. They followed us there. In the country, where we previously resided, there were children that would greet us and even ask for money, but then the store owners would tell them to leave us alone and they would depart. These children just kept following us. At one point I told them that we were happy to see them and to greet them, but then they needed to go.

I felt a little pressure when buying the fruits and vegetables because of how closely they stood and of course still not completely grasping the money conversions I found it difficult to concentrate on how much I needed to pay for what.

Evangeline did great. I am surprised at how she would hold out her hand to shake others hands happily. She did admit later when we were back at the house that she doesn’t really like it when they touch her hair so I told her that I would tell them not to do that.

In talking with a couple people we realized that Fridays are alms day, so the people here are more likely to give money on Friday and the children are out in full force. I also realized that most women don’t take their children to the market with them and that seeing a little white girl increased their curiosity immensely. The Western part of me wants to bring my daughter with me and shepherd her in the things that I’m doing. I also want her to be able to get into the culture. In the past, going to the market was one way that the kids experienced the culture each week. However, culturally speaking here, it is probably not the most appropriate thing to bring her.

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