Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


When Your World Is Falling Down

The somber teenager sat in his bedroom, feeling hopeless.

It was only the third week in their new town, but he already knew it wasn’t for him.  He had spent most of his entire life in one place, but was forced to move with his family, when his father’s job changed locations.  The young man left behind his friends, his favorite places to eat and play, and an established routine of life which made him feel comfortable.  This new town was the opposite.  It was uncomfortable.

This particular day had found him the brunt of some crude jokes from classmates at his new school, which led him to curse the whole situation anew, and wonder where God was in this mess?  Even talking with an old friend on the phone after school couldn’t change the trajectory of the day, and now that it was coming to a close and the lights were off in the house, he couldn’t escape the clutches of despair.  He grabbed his pillow tightly; and what began as whimpers, slowly turned into sobs, as he wondered whether his life was even worth living.

Maybe some of you can relate to the young man in this story.  Except, it’s not a story.  The young man was me…and what happened next at that moment in my room has never left me.  In the pitch dark, a figure walked in and laid down next to me.  It was my dad.  He knew I missed my friends.  He knew I was hurting.  He knew I was just a 16 year old with little perspective, but he listened to my hurt, told me that somehow things would work themselves out, and that no matter what, he and Mom would be there for me.

The next summer, my dad quit his job with the Army Reserves, to move our family back to Roseau.  He could be retired right now with a nice government pension and benefits, but is still working because of that decision he made 15+ years ago.  Yet, the impact his sacrifice has had on this son, is indelible.

Dad, I will never forget that night in Gwinn, MI.  When my world felt like it was falling down, whether you realized it or not, you were a rock in the midst of my storm.  Your strength, courage, and sacrifice have been a reflection of the PERFECT strength, courage, and sacrifice of Christ.  To all the men who bear the weighty calling of fatherhood, but especially to you, Papa; Happy Father’s Day.

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