Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


Diaper Watching

Always doing our best to bring you the realities of life may make some of you feel after the last couple weeks that this has turned into a blog of medical musings.  But that will not dissuade us from sharing the latest.

At the beginning of this past week, we had growing concern for Hadassah.  Since her baby meconium passed, she had gone 17 days without a trace of brown in her diaper.  She seemed to be doing okay otherwise, but we scheduled an appointment with the doctor who took me in.  He said if Hadassah were in Europe, she would not leave the hospital and they would inject her with some dye to try and find the source of the problem.  He said we should take her to a pediatrician.  We told him that we were scheduled to go on holiday next week and would find one as soon as we landed.  He said, “No, you should schedule a medical evacuation to Europe.”

What would you do?

Of course, we would all do whatever it takes for our children’s health, but this is not like heading to your local hospital.  We’re talking thousands of dollars in flight and medical costs.  We also don’t have Hadassah’s passport or birth certificate yet, so would be allowed to travel?  What should we do about our plane tickets and holiday starting next week?  Could that be refunded or rescheduled?  The questions swirled in our mind.  But before anything, we decided to get on our knees.

We reminded ourselves that the LORD understood this whole situation, that He loves us and Hadassah, that He would provide for all our needs and sort these questions out at the right time.  We committed to call the embassy, double check with doctors we knew, and then began the process, but asked God one last time, “Please help Hadassah poop.”

I know, sounds strange, but our prayers are real basic here.

We arrived home and started making calls and preparing things and all of the sudden…she did it!  Never has a messy diaper been met with such great rejoicing in this household.  The kids were all running around telling others and saying, “God helped Hadassah!”  That diaper was followed by others, which put us and the doctor at ease.

She’s a little late to the party, but our Princess arrived nonetheless.  Thank you LORD!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Laura Lunger says:

    What a relief! When John was an infant he went thru about 6 weeks where he pooped only once a week….on Thursdays! I learned to wait for the “BIG event” before leaving the house that day!

    Much love and prayers for you all!

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