Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4



A little franticness in the Broten house a couple days ago and the kids were all too excited to tell me about it.  Apparently, they couldn’t find Athanasius in the house that morning, so they were searching in our yard.  Evangeline rounded the corner of the house where we have our outdoor bathroom, a simple cement slab with a hole in the ground.  Chadians call it a “warabate”, which comes from two words (wara and bate) that literally mean “behind house”.  Nehemiah and I use it (as it requires no flushing or cleanup).  Here is a picture of our warabate:
Anyway, as Evangeline rounded the corner, she noticed a cloth diaper laying on the ground outside the warabate.  When she peeked her head inside there was Athanasius squatting over the hole saying, “Nasius go warabate”.  I guess he really wants to be a big boy.

Yesterday, I asked him to show me how he goes to the warabate, so you all could share the moment and have a smile today :)

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