Delight yourself in the LORD, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4


A Week Review (in SMS Texts)

I’m away from the family for the week to attend some meetings.  SMS texts are not as cheap here, but when we are apart we usually average about 20 a day, as Sonja relays messages from the kids also.  Here’ are some of the highlights from this week:

(Saturday) SONJA: Athanasius is running a 103 fever with vomiting.  I just started throwing up as well.  Nehemiah has been such a BIG help with cleaning out vomit buckets and bedsheets.  Please pray.

(Sunday) SONJA: Athanasius is a little better.  He’s pretending to read to Hadassah right now.  I still feel yucky, but Loretta and Margit are over to help.  What a blessing.

(Sunday) SONJA: Water came on today.  We’ve also had electricity since last night.  God is taking good care of us.  We miss you.

(Sunday) NEHEMIAH: Papa, thanks for sending Loretta and Margit this morning.  Your brave and boldest son, Nehemiah.

(Sunday) EVANGELINE: Dear Papa.  I did something special that is going to be on your bed when you get back from N’djamena and Moundou.  Love, Evangeline.

(Monday) SONJA: Hadassah is talking!  Ba Ba Da Da.  We are all very excited to listen to her.
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(Tuesday) SONJA: Rundown of the day: 1 Core Fitness Workout, 2 Math Lessons, 2 Mopped Floors, 3 Baths, and 4 Visitors hosted :)

(Tuesday) NEHEMIAH: Papa, I practiced my latin today.

(Tuesday) EVANGELINE: Papa, We are so clean, so when you come back, you can smell us.

(Tuesday) ATHANASIUS: Na love Papa! Amen. (he seriously said the amen part).

(Wednesday) SONJA: Good morning.  I’m sitting here with Hadassah trying to figure out how to clean up Nehemiah’s vomit, which is just off the verandah :)

(Wednesday) EVANGELINE: Papa, please read Genesis 21 tonight because it’s good. Generic prednisone

(Wednesday) NEHEMIAH: Papa, you should read Acts 5 about Ananias and Sapphira tonight.

(Wednesday) SONJA: The neighborhood ladies all know you’re gone, so they are visiting me every day to check if I’m okay.  Athanasius missed his nap this afternoon, so he’s a tad looney tonight.  He’s currently running around the room chanting, “Papa poopoo…..papa poopoo.”

What a wonderful family!

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